For publications, click the tab on the main menu
2020: Member, Society of Biological Psychiatry (SOBP)
2020: Member, Association for Chemoreception Sciences (AChems)
2019: Member, Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM)
2017: Member, Society for Neuroscience (SfN)
2016: Member, Federation of European Neuroscience Society (FENS)
Trainee, FENS Hertie Winter School on Memory Mechanisms in Humans
2016: Member, Israeli Society for Biological Psychiatry (ISBP)
2012 - 2016: Member, European Chemoreception Research Organization (ECRO)
2011 - 2021: Member, Israeli Society for Neuroscience (ISFN)
2022: ELSC Postdoctoral Fellowship
2020: Best abstract award in the annual neuroscience departmental retreat
2017: Trainee Professional Development Award, Society for Neuroscience
2015: Scholarship, Ministry of Edu. excellency program for mentoring high school students
2014: Travel award, Association for Chemoreception Sciences (AChems)
2021: Public lecture for Weizmann Institute of Science alumni
2012 - 2019: Public lectures and talks for the public, notably children and the elderly
2018 - 2019: Lectures in annual chemistry meeting of Israel’s south region high schools,
2018: Appearances in educational television series about the human body
2018: Consultant for educational television shows by the Israeli Public Broadcasting Corporation
2021: Anina Lund (Rotation, Neuroscience PhD track, ISMMS)
2020: Arianna Benay Neal (Rotation, MD/PhD track, ISMMS)
2016: Shaked Lublinsky (Rotation, Neurobiology MSc. Track, WIS)
2015: Rotem Broday (Rotation, Neurobiology MSc. track, WIS)
2015: Marva Palgi – (Annual, High-school student, WIS)
2013: Nofar Mor (Rotation, Life Sciences MSc. track, WIS)
2021 – 2022: Ad-hoc reviewer for Psychophysiology
2021: Ad-hoc reviewer for Cerebral Cortex
2021: Consultant for project in industrial design for scent-mediated PTSD symptoms alleviation
2020 - 2021:Ad-hoc reviewer for Chemical Senses
2019: Ad-hoc reviewer for conferences: UIST2019
2018 – 2019: Assistant for ad-hoc reviewer for the journals: eLife, Neural Plasticity, Chemosensory Perception
2014 – 2019: Departmental committee for social and cultural events
2014 – 2017: Member in “TnuDa”, collaboration between Weizmann Institute of Science and a group of choreographers and professional dancers - read more in "Extracurricular"
Oral presentations:
Perl O., Ravia A., Rubinson M., Aisen A., Soroka T., Mor N., Secundo L., Sobel N., (2021) The inspirational brain: human cognition phase-locked with sniffing. invited talk at the Israeli Society for Neuroscience (ISFN) annual meeting (Virtual).
Perl O., Shuster A., Heflin M., Kidwai A., Na S., Putnam T., Fiore VG., Gu X. (2020), Belief about nicotine modulates reward signals in a dose-dependent fashion. Annual neuroscience department retreat (Virtual).
Perl O., (2019), Inspiration – The influences of nasal respiratory cycle on human cognitive functions. Invited talk at the Suzanne Neymark Respiratory Physiotherapy Symposium, School of Physiotherapy, Yitzhak Shamir Medical Center (Assaf HaRofe)
Perl O., Eisen A., Weiss T., Soroka T., Mor N., Lublinsky S., Secundo L., Sobel N. (2017), Mental whisking – respiratory phase shapes human task performance and its neural underpinnings. Society for Neuroscience (SfN) annual meeting, Washington DC, USA
Perl O., Arzi A., Sela L., Secundo L., Holtzman Y., Samnon P., Oksenberg A., Sobel N., Hairston I. S., (2016) Odors Enhance Slow-Wave Activity in Non Rapid Eye Movement Sleep. Invited talk at the Israeli Society for Biological Psychiatry annual meeting, Ha’Goshrim, Israel
Perl O., Weiss T., Pinchover L., Mor N., Secundo L., Cohen E., Sela L., Sobel N. (2015) The sniffing brain. European Chemoreception Research Organization (ECRO) convention, Istanbul, Turkey
Perl O., Plotkin A., Weissbrod A., Oxenberg A., Vander T., Hairston I. S., Sobel N. (2013) An odor-dispensing device for the treatment of sleep apnea. The Israeli Sleep Research Society (ISRC) Convention, Technion, Israel
Perl O., Kopell B.H., Heflin M., Na S., Neal A., Fiore V.G., Charney A., Lee J., Mikail N., Mayberg H.S., Kishida K.T., Montague R., Gu X. (2021), Intracranial Signatures of Social Norm Encoding in Human Substantia Nigra and Globus Pallidus. Annual neuroscience department retreat (Virtual).
Perl O., Schafer M., Weiss T., Ravia A., Soroka T.,Gorodisky L., Livne E., Furman-Haran E., Sobel N., Schiller D. (2020) Neural correlates of trajectory encoding in olfactory perceptual space. International Symposium of Olfaction and Taste (ISOT) Virtual.
Perl O., Shuster A., Heflin M., Kidwai A., Na S., Putnam T., Fiore VG., Gu X. (2020), Belief about nicotine modulates reward signals in a dose-dependent fashion. Annual meeting, Society of Biological Psychiatry (SOBP) Virtual.
Perl O., Ravia A., Rubinson M., Aisen A., Soroka T., Mor N., Secundo L., Sobel N., The inspirational brain: human cognition phase-locked with sniffing. (2019) Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM), annual meeting, Rome, Italy
Perl O., Ravia A., Rubinson M., Aisen A., Soroka T., Mor N., Secundo L., Sobel N., The inspirational brain: human cognition phase-locked with sniffing. (2018) “Understanding others” meeting in Jerusalem, Israel
Perl O., Eisen A., Weiss T., Soroka T., Mor N., Lublinsky S., Secundo L., Sobel N.(2017) Mental whisking – respiratory phase shapes human task performance and its neural underpinnings, European Chemoreception Research Organization (ECRO) convention, Cambridge, UK
Perl O., Weiss T., Eisen A., Mor N., Secundo L., Kahana R., Cohen E., Sela L., Sobel N. (2016) The sniffing brain, XVI International Symposium of Olfaction and Taste (ISOT) Convention, Yokohama, Japan
Perl O., Pinchover L., Mor N., Secundo L., Kahana R., Sela L., Sobel N. (2014) The sniffing brain European Chemoreception Research Organization (ECRO) convention, Dijon, France
Perl O., Arzi A., Sela L., Samnon P., Holtzman Y., Oksenberg A., Hairston I. S., Sobel N. (2013) Odor-induced increases in delta power: an olfactory mechanism of sleep protection? Israeli Society for Neuroscience (ISFN) Convention, Eilat, Israel
Perl O., Plotkin A., Weissbrod A., Oxenberg A., Vander T., Hairston I. S., Sobel N. (2012) An odor-dispensing device for the treatment of sleep apnea. XVI International Symposium of Olfaction and Taste (ISOT) Convention, Stockholm, Sweden
Perl O., Cohen E., Sela L., Sobel N., Altered cognitive performance during nasal inhalation and exhalation (2011) Israeli Society for Neuroscience (ISFN) Convention, Eilat, Israel